Secret Agent New Year’s Resolutions

Secret Agent PR, Julie Karatzis

2011 was a whirlwind year with lots of accomplishments, ranging from getting a a #hashtag in the New York Times, to being interviewed by Frances Anderton on DnA.  However, it’s time to look forward to the rest of 2012. We’re off to a bit of a late start, as evidenced by the fact that the month of January is half over, but we’ve set some goals for ourselves that we aim to hit them before 2013 rolls around.

1. Get Some Shoes

We are the proverbial cobbler with no shoes, guilty of devoting most of our time to promoting and cultivating our clients’ brands and little or none on our own.  It’s not that we’ll spend any less time doing that in 2012, but we’re planning a Secret Agent revamp this spring.  Mama’s gettin’ some shoes…finally!

2. Seek Knowledge

By virtue of what we do by day, we’re always watching what’s happening in the world of design.  But this year, our goal is broaden our knowledge base even further.  More research, more design events, more questions, more answers.

3. Move Out and Up

By high school years, we’re essentially seniors entering our 4th year and we’re ready to move out of the house…literally.  This year, we aim to find a new HQ.  Onward, and upward.  That probably means a party.  And yes, you’re invited.

4. Collaborate

The LA design scene is popping.  Every day a new design star is born and we even have our own design festival and three-day modern design fair.  Things feel like they’re on an upswing and we’re looking forward the ride that 2012 will surely provide.   This year, we aim to find more ways to collaborate with more people.

5.  Sharing is Caring

One area where we’ve been sorely lacking is in giving back.  This year, we’d like to forge a partnership with a local non-profit and find a creative way to give back.

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